The importance of business plan for getting business manager visa By 司法書士大石人士 | 2018/7/22 0 Comment Tweet Why is “business plan” so important when applying for business visa? Can you tell me how to make appropriate one?こちらの記事もどうぞThe death of or divorce from the spouse and the destiny of your status of residence When a foreigner married with Japanese and given the status of […]Can I apply for changing for status of residence even when I am still a potential graduate? (Question) I have a student visa and I am a college student […]How to get “Spouse visa”? A foreigner who get engaged to marry a Japanese residing in […]16-5 Needed documents-Others/Road to Japanese nationality (21) 1) Copies of driver's license card (front side and back […]8 Special Naturalization/Road to Japanese nationality (9) In special naturalization, some conditions are eased compared to […] Tweet