- Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office Tokyo Japan
- Civil affairs
- Real Property Registration
- その他
- 居留資格「管理/行政」手續費
- 冬季休暇のお知らせ
- 相続登記55,000円(税込)
- 4 months Business Manager visa
- 4 months Business Manager visa
- PR (Short Cut) and Annual income
- Nihongo Soumatome N1 日本語総まとめ N1 文法 (「日本語能力試験」対策)
- The relation of your age and Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals or Permanent Residence shortcut
- Permanent Residence, Let’s review the requirements, again!(3 check points & 5 revised additional items)
- 5 typical cases/the person like this should never apply for business manager visa
- How to select your lawyer for your business visa?
- Deciding the location of the head office/How to make GODO (Limited Liability) kaisha (合同会社)?
- I want to make my GODO (Limited Liability) company. If I use your service, what merit do I have?
- The flow of making GODO kaisha
- Tips for success to get dependent visa/The importance of making Balance Sheet
- What is the difference between GODO (LLC) kaisha and KABUSHIKI kaisha?
- As to 100,000 yen benefit money
- From my home town Osaka, I love you!
- Editing the letter of reason for spouse visa application
- 4 months business manager visa as your business preparation in Japan
- My client got PR.
- Having a solid business plan is the key to success to get business manager visa.
- Even if you have your own company, ...
- Dependent visa/Certificate of Eligibility
- Dependent Visa
- The number of Like reached to 200,000!
- The flow of 4 months business manager visa / 4 ماہ کے بزنس مینیجر ویزا کا بہاؤ۔
- Merchants are professional of making money.
- I have decided to move my office to Tokyo.
- Before asking about the fee and documents,
- Online Request Form/Oishi immigration lawyer office
- Visa renewal supporting service to obtain longer period of stay
- Gyosei-shoshi lawyers can't do commercial registration process.
- Rough "diagnosis" for whether you can apply for PR
- You should not use service from them.
- Requesting of returning original copy of certificates or documents
- Patterns to get business manager visa
- Official necessary fee for business manager visa
- Don't leave it to others.
- How to know if they are real or fake?
- Don't use fake lawyers and vicious brokers.
- The importance of business plan for getting business manager visa
- Tax certificate
- Consultation about Business Visa at TOKYO on June 15
- Can I use capital money before finishing company registration?
- Dangerousness of self-interpretation
- The notice from Immigration Office
- Even if you get PR, ...
- Predicting the Future by checking the Past
- Applying for Permanent residence is different from the visa you already have.
- "What should be included in the business plan" (1)
- National Pension Program
- Certificate of Authorized Employment
- What we should do after losing the status of residence as "Spouse of Japanese"?
- Revenue-stamp is called 収入印紙(shuunyuu inshi) in Japanese.
- Baby and Visa/How to apply visa for my baby in Japan?
- How to get to my office from Doubutsuen-mae station?
- The importance of making copies of the set of application documents for visa.
- Total support for setting up your NPO (Non-profit Organization)
- Custom-made visa service.
- Total support for Used Car Business (v2.0)
- I have both licenses, Immigration lawyer and Solicitor.
- Statement of the reason for applying for PR
- Whom can you invite with Dependent Visa?
- The relation between Dependent visa and language school students
- What visa holder can use Dependent Visa?
- What visa will my baby get? Make all possible haste.
- When you quit your job, what happens to your "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" visa?
- Don't disregard "Implementing the obligation to report in Immigration Law".
- Can I apply for changing for status of residence even when I am still a potential graduate?
- How do I get longer period? 4 points you should know.
- “Certificate of Authorized Employment”
- Can I get Long-Term resident visa?
- Can I work at adult entertainment businesses?
- Classification of status of residence by if you can work or not
- When you get Permanent Resident, what will happen to the visa of your spouse or child?
- To be on the right track.
- We are foreign national couples. What should I do if we have a baby?
- Please give me your 10 seconds.
- The advantage of using my service
- The importance of getting the reason for disapproval
- Can I change the status of "Technical Intern Training" into other status such as "Investor/Business Manager", "engineer" or "specialist in humanities/international services", etc.?
- Plenty of time will take you to the good result.
- What level of Japanese do you need to apply for naturalization?
- Supporting your true love, marriage, and visa
- Total support for Used Car Business
- Visa, Naturalization, Business,Translation/Osaka Japan
- Form of receiving the application for naturalization and related documents
- Feel free to ask. Visa, Naturalization, Business, Translation. Osaka Japan
- 17-1 Application form for naturalization-The points of making documents (1)/Road to Japanese nationality (22)
- 16-5 Needed documents-Others/Road to Japanese nationality (21)
- 16-4 Needed documents-The documents about public pension/Road to Japanese nationality (20)
- 16-3 Needed documents-The documents that show your assets, income, etc. /Road to Japanese nationality (19)
- Child support
- 16-2 Needed documents-The documents that show your nationality or identity /Road to Japanese nationality (18)
- 16-1 Needed documents-The documents you have to make by yourself /Road to Japanese nationality (17)
- 15 Collecting, making and submitting documents /Road to Japanese nationality (16)
- 14 The conditions of special naturalization (part 3) /Road to Japanese nationality (15)
- 13 The conditions of special naturalization (part 2) /Road to Japanese nationality (14)
- How to get "Spouse visa"?
- 12 The conditions of special naturalization (part 1) /Road to Japanese nationality (13)
- 11 The conditions of normal naturalization (part 2) /Road to Japanese nationality (12)
- Facebook page version
- 10 The conditions of normal naturalization (part 1) /Road to Japanese nationality (11)
- 9 Checking before starting action/Road to Japanese nationality (10)
- 8 Special Naturalization/Road to Japanese nationality (9)
- 7 Normal Naturalization/Road to Japanese nationality (8)
- 6 Three types of naturalization /Road to Japanese nationality (7)
- 5 Nationality Law/Road to Japanese nationality (6)
- 4 Various Laws relating to Naturalization/Road to Japanese nationality (5)
- 3 What is naturalization?/Road to Japanese nationality (4)
- 2 The flow after submitting application/Road to Japanese nationality (3)
- 1 The flow until submitting application/Road to Japanese nationality (2)
- 1 The flow until submitting application/Road to Japanese nationality (1)
- Livelihood protection and naturalization/Naturalization Q&A
- Overview of naturalization process
- The application for not to accept the divorce paper
- Guarantor and Letter of endorsement
- Extension of Period of Stay while you are overseas
- Even if you have Permanent Resident…,
- The flow of coming to Japan by using "Certificate of Eligibility" (COE)
- Preparing for inheritance
- Invitation letter for temporary visit visa
- I am in Osaka.
- Does Immigration Office give vocational college students a status of residence during job seeking period after graduation?
- The huge wall between the 3rd and 4th generation
- De facto marriage and the status of residence
- The advantages of having Permanent Resident (PR) status / えいじゅうけん の メリット
- Immigration and Residence inspection toward spouse of same sex marriage
- I will provide high quality legal service with low financial and psychological burden to you.
- The death of or divorce from the spouse and the destiny of your status of residence
- Are you going to marry only from the intention of getting stable status of residence?
- The status of residence to stay as a family member (5)
- The status of residence to stay as a family member (4)
- The status of residence to stay as a family member (3)
- The status of residence to stay as a family member (2)
- The status of residence to stay as a family member (1)
- Japanese language test in naturalization
- ED card
- Misunderstandings as to adopted child
- Service Fee for Dependent Visa
- Type of Status of Residence of Spouse
- Transportation Fee
- Residence tax declaration certificate/Residence tax payment certificate
- Dear Friends
- When I come back to Japan after staying overseas for over one year, do I need to get re-entry permit?
- Service fee for naturalization
- Are short term visa holders able to work in Japan?
- Look before you leap!
- To permanent status holders
- Deciding your business form
- Can I Invite my parent to Japan? 2
- Can I Invite my parent to Japan?
- In this case, is he eligible to apply for permanent status?
- To get Permanent Resident
- To support your business in Japan
- Starting up a business in Japan 2
- Why do you have to submit Driving Record Certificate in naturalization procedure?
- Procedure of Naturalization
- When I marry a foreign woman, can I give her a visa here?
- Starting up a business in Japan
- 事務所案内
- サイトマップ