月別アーカイブ: 2019年10月

4 months business manager visa as your business preparation in Japan

If you are thinking about setting up your business in Japan, getting the visa is unavoidable issue.As a solicitor and immigration lawyer, I can offer an appropriate legal help for your business expansion.

Oishi Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Office/大石司法書士・行政書士事務所さんの投稿 2019年10月26日土曜日



As an immigration lawyer and solicitor, I can offer visa process and legal support for your business expansion in Japan.

After Japan was defeated in WW2, Mr.Junius Richard Jayewardene paved the way for Japan to return to International world by saying “Hatred ceases not by hatred, But by love.” Since then, we have been in close ties.

I believe expanding your business eventually will lead to stability and peace in the region.

Mainly, the service I can offer is about business manager visa process, but when starting your business, I can also support acquisition of real property, making branch, and legal trouble, etc.

If you are interested in business manager visa, please send your answer from this form.


After checking basic matters, I will estimate my lawyer fee.
If we agree, we can start the process.

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Thank you.