Application form for naturalization
Application form must be made on each applicant.
It is OK for you to have others write it, but please write it by yourself as much as possible.
You have to fill it in in Japanese.
1.Date of application
Not to fill the date in until the time of submitting.
2. Photo
You have to prepare color [black and white] photography.
You have to use the picture that was taken within 6 months before submitting the application form.
The size should be 5 cm in both length and width.
You alone are needed to be taken in the photo with no cap, upper front body.
If the applicant is under 15, you have to use the photo that you and your parents are taken together.
3. Nationality
Fill in the nationality which you belong to.
You should check it with your passport or certificate of nationality.
4. Birth place
Fill in the birth place such as hospital where you were born.
You have to write the information until the lot number accurately.
If you can’t write it, write 「以下不詳」”the following are unknown”.
5. Address
You have to fill in the address on certified copy of resident register.
If you have residence other than address, you also have to write it.
6. Furigana or Japanese syllabaries
You have to write the furigana of your name.
Write them in Hiragana, not Katakana.
7. Full name
You have to write it in your last name and first name order with Katakana.
8. Nickname
If you have nicknames, fill in all the ones you have ever used.
If you don’t have them, leave this blank.
9. Date of birth
Fill in with Japanese era name.
If you ever have corrected it, write the old one in parentheses.
10. Relationship with your family
Write your family relationship such as first son, second daughter, etc.
If it is unknown, write “不詳” or unknown.
11. Names of your parents
You have to write it in your last name and first name order with Katakana.
If it is unknown, write “不詳” or unknown.
12. Registered locality or nationality of your parents
Write registered locality or nationality of your parents.
13. Names of your foster parents
If you are an adopted child, write the names of your foster parents.
14. Registered locality or nationality of your foster parents
Write registered locality or nationality of your foster parents.
15. Registered locality after naturalization
You have to write registered locality in advance supposing your application is approved.
You can decide it freely.
It is the place where your registered locality is located after getting Japanese nationality.
You can use the lot number or addressing system.
If you use addressing system, write it this way:「一丁目1番」
If you don’t know what to write, ask the municipalities you want to set your registered locality.
16. Name after naturalization
You have to write your new first name which you want to use after naturalization with Hiragana, Katakana, and common kanji characters.
As to your surname, you can use other right Japanese characters.
17. Signature of the applicant
You should sign at the time of submitting.
Leave it blank until it.
If the applicant is over 15, he/she will sign it by himself/herself.
If the applicant is under 15, his/her legal representative will sign it.
18. Your contact telephone number
Fill in your contact telephone number of your home, workplace and your mobile.
Thank you.
Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer
Hitoshi Oishi from Osaka Japan
If you want to ask something, please contact from this page.
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