The status of residence is the most important point you should consider if you plan to have a business here because you might be deported despite the huge success of your business if you don’t have a legal documents of staying, you would not get a chance to pursue your business and end up handing it over to another person.
Therefore, getting the status of residence is essential to foreign business operators in order to do business successfully and make the base of living in Japan.
So, when starting up a company, you have to make sure that it abides Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act by adopting the business plan in which you take into account getting the status of residence.
When Japanese people start up their business, what they have to do is to establish a company based on corporation law and to abide by the common business practice and laws and ordinances.
But if foreigners want to do so, they have to keep to Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act in addition to the rules above.
This is the biggest differences between foreign investors and Japanese people who want to start their business in Japan, and also is the biggest point to make your business successful.
Those who want to start up a business in Japan will therefore face higher hurdles than Japanese people.
To be continued.
Solicitor Hitoshi Oishi (司法書士 大石人士・おおいしひとし)