The status of residence to stay as a family member (1)


(1) Spouse or Child of Japanese National

This status of residence will be given to the following person.

  1. Spouse of Japanese
  2. Specially adopted child based on article 817-2 of Civil Law
  3. Child of Japanese


“Spouse” contains both patterns.

Husband: Japanese  Wife: Foreigner

Husband: Foreigner  Wife: Japanese


Adopted child except for specially adopted child will not be given this status.


The law stipulates that “Child” should be born under Japanese parent and there is no limitation of age.


The law does not require that the child should be born in Japan, so, even if the child was born abroad, he/she will be given this status.


Unlike “Dependent” status, there is no condition that the one should receive support from other family members.

Therefore, even if you are independent and make living by yourself, as long as you have the personal status above, you are eligible for “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”.


There are no working restrictions to foreigners with this status of residence, so they can engage to activities of other status of residence.

They can also do other activities such as simple labor.


This status of residence will be given to a child who was born abroad with no Japanese nationality under Japanese parent who has migrated to the South American countries.


Thank you.
Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer Hitoshi Oishi
