Revenue-stamp is called 収入印紙(shuunyuu inshi) in Japanese. By 司法書士大石人士 | 2018/4/9 0 Comment Tweet When you get the notification of approval for renewal of your visa, you need to prepare revenue-stamp of 4,000 yen.こちらの記事もどうぞRough “diagnosis” for whether you can apply for PR Rough "diagnosis" for whether you can apply for […]Please give me your 10 seconds. Please give me your 10 […]National Pension Program When it comes to Naturalization and Permanent Resident visa,to join […]6 Three types of naturalization /Road to Japanese nationality (7) Types of naturalization are different according to the […]WHAT IS THE REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION TAX? 1.WHAT IS THE REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION TAX? Real estate […] Tweet